Our 13th Work-at-Home Mommy of the Week is Mommy Jeanette Un of Earth Baby Cloth Diapers. She is based in Cagayan de Oro City and she owns Earth Baby Cloth Diapers – Philippine Cloth Diaper brand popular for being a reliable and earth-friendly nappying solution for babies and toddlers alike.
Mommy Jeanette said, becoming a Work-at-Home Mom is a conscious effort she took as she intends to be always there for her kids during their formative years. She recently gave birth, and she is now mom to three adorable kids.
Get inspired, as I share with you some excerpts of our interview with the mommy behind Earth Baby Cloth Diapers:
Happypinaymommy.com: When did you decide to be a WAHM?
Mommy Jeanette: When my first baby came out in 2009, I decided to be a WAHM. We started Earth Baby Modern Cloth Diapers after my second baby was born in 2012. It was borne out of a common advocacy between my mom friend and I to make cloth diapers available for more moms, and that yes, it’s worth the “inconvenience of additional laundry” and that choosing cloth is going to be one of decisions you’ll be glad you made.
(Post continued below)
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HPM: What made you decide to be one?
Mommy Jeanette: I wanted to be a hands-on mom and really be there for the formative years of the kids. I can always decide to work full time later on should I desire to, but they will not always be kids, and I wanted to make sure I am there when they need me the most.
HPM: What is the greatest challenge you have faced in relation to being a WAHM?
Mommy Jeanette: I guess the greatest challenge I faced in relation to being a WAHM is getting peace and quiet to get some work done, hehe.. It’s especially hard when the kids are older babies or toddlers. I have mastered the art of multitasking (breastfeeding while working on the pc), speedy bathing, and just working amidst the chaos. I try to keep in mind that “children are not a distraction from more important work, they are the most important work.”

HPM: What advice can you give to those who may want to become a WAHM?
Mommy Jeanette: Find a work that you truly love and believe in. During those times when stress piles up, looking back to why you decided to be a WAHM in the first place will spur you to keep on going. Working at home is essentially juggling taking care of work and kids. If you can, try involving kids in your work so you can get hit two birds with one stone.

HPM: Who inspires you?
Mommy Jeanette: I am inspired by the moms who support our endeavor, when they share how our product has helped them meet their baby’s needs, when our service has satisfied them, it ignites the flame of passion in us to continue what we do.
HPM: How does your husband/partner support you?
Mommy Jeanette: My husband supports me by helping me take care of the kids. Sometimes he would take them out with him so I can have some “me time”. He also believes in the same advocacy, and is actually an excellent salesperson to other dads. Many a dad have come to choose cloth diapers because of his own testimony!

HPM: Tell us more about Earth Baby Cloth Diapers and why are you proud of your brand?
Mommy Jeanette: Each Earth Baby Cloth Diaper we release is a product of research and development, products that are mom-tested and mom-approved. We wanted mothers to be able to try our products and realize that cloth diapering really works! Our flagship product is our Pocket Diaper PLUS which is a heavy-duty pocket diaper for heavy wetters and night diapering. One of the greatest challenges of cloth diapering is finding an effective night diaper set up. We did the hard work ourselves in figuring out a solution that works so mothers won’t have to. It is truly unlike other pocket diapers in the market. Its signature double leg gussets, wide openings, roomy pocket, and very absorbent inserts all work together to give you a night diapering solution that ensures good nights and dry mornings.

And like our past WAHM of the Week Features, we also asked around about Earth Baby Cloth Diapers.
Mommy Ams Macaraeg was happy to tell us about her experience with Earth Baby Cloth Diapers.
“My first ever cloth diaper was from Earth Baby. Back then, I was searching for diapers with solid colors only as I didn’t want complicated designs. I discovered the brand through facebook and wanted to patronize local brands that’s why I thought I give it a try.”

She continues “Jeanette was very accommodating as I asked so many questions. We had a lot of email exchanges and she gave me tips and pieces of advice on how to take care of our diapers. My first transaction with her was for two diapers only as I wanted to test the difference between snaps and velcro. As I tested both, I ended up liking more the snap version and ordered several more the next time. I picked up my orders personally from her when I had the chance to visit CDO. She was really pleasant even in person and she became a friend since then.”

Mommy Ams stressed “In general, I love Earth Baby diapers as the workmanship is truly great. Ours lasted about two years until my eldest was potty trained. We even got to sell them at a very good price because it still looked new. But more than the diaper itself, it was the friendship Jeanette and I built that I treasure more. She indeed deserve the success of her brand.”
So there you have it. Hope you have been inspired with how Mommy Jeanette manages her flourishing business and being with her kids 24/7. If you have a Work-From-Home-Mom that you would want to be featured, please feel free to head on over to my Facebook Page and leave me a message. Please hit the like button too so you could receive updates from Happypinaymommy.com directly on your newsfeed.
A happy homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with a video on how to work from home with kids:
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