Happy Pinay Mommy

Top Ten Signs that you are a Cloth Diaper Addict — Part 1

Are you a Cloth Diaper Addict? Here are the signs. (Photo Credits)Every Cloth Diapering Mama will realize at one point that she has become addicted to Cloth Diapers. For instance — i am not a super full time CDing mommy (i still have some nights where we’d use DD or we use still DDs for long trips), and yet, i could say that i am kind of getting addicted to the fancy prints, bold colors, and adorable designs of these wonderful, and eco-friendly pee and poop catchers!

And although every CDing mom has her own reasons for being a cloth diaper junkie, CDing soul sisters gladly do not judge each other. I am thinking this is because the addiction is a wonderful kind that is good for the baby’s health, the environment, and the family budget – provided that mommy doesn’t hoard all the adorable fluffy diapers her heart may desire!

So are you on the road to becoming one, or are you one already?I was supposed to write just about ten signs, but hey, i can observe more tthan ten so i am coming up with a two part series on this!

Here is part 1 of the signs of being a cloth diaper addict:

1. You hang out in both Local and International Cloth Diapering Forums and have treated the regulars there as kind of real friends (After all, if your real-life BFF does not share your fluff love advocacy, who else can you discuss your CDing adventures with?)

2. You get so excited about receiving fluff mail, except when the Man of the House is around!

3. You have “liked” more than 10 Online Cloth Diapering Shops and Local WAHM Pages, because on the rare occasions that you get the chance to browse your FB, these pages are your first stop.

4. You browse BST Pages – or should I say, scour BST Pages every now and then, and type the word “mine” faster than you could say it when you see the diaper of your dreams.

5. You are kinda sad when the sun does not shine so bright, and you get panicky when it is overcast or it has been raining heavily because the “inserts” have yet to dry up.

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6. The quest of finding the right night time inserts combination is one of the primary goals of your CDing journey.

7. You get excited to see new designs and prints.

8. De-stashing may be one of the most heart-wrenching CDing exercise you would have to go through.

9. You made your husband believe that CDs cost only 150-200 each.

10. You love doing the whole washing routine – from pre wash or pre-rinse, to washing per se, sunning, up until the time that you’d have to get them from the clothes line or octopus hangers.

If the signs and symptoms (ehem!) that you have are not included here, maybe it will be in the part two  that i will soon be publishing. BUT if you’d like me to include your symptoms (hehe!), please leave a comment below, or leave a message on my facebook page. 🙂

here’s a cute video on cloth diapering that you may wanna check out



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Signs of being a cloth diaper addict
Signs of being a cloth diaper addict
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