Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to buy cloth diaper sewing materials and supplies in the Philippines

Want to know where to buy cloth diaper sewing materials and supplies in the Philippines? Read on. (Photo Credits)Looking for some supplies for your Do-It-Yourself cloth diaper sewing project?

Wondering where to get sewing supplies or materials for this?

I compiled a list of some of the places where you can buy your DIY sewing supplies needs.

Where to buy cloth diaper sewing materials and supplies in the Philippines

1. Divisoriasewing supplies stores in Tutuban and Ilaya Street will tickle the DIY Diva in you. It is a long stretch of stores and pasilios so be prepared for all the super bargain finds! Head on to divi, and any sewing enthusiast will tell you it is worth all the hassle!

2. Carolinas –– this shop is more accessible but definitely not as complete as DIVI. Comfortable? Yes. Kinda expensive. Yes. But at least it will save you from all the hassle, sweat, and the epic traffic of trekking to DIVI.

(Post continued below)

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3. Kamuning Market –QC ladies, this is definitely the closest thing you could get to Divi and the Manila sewing supplies joints. I have memories of being in this market with my mom who just loves sewing stuff for us. They have velcros, pipings, threads, pelons, and whatnot. You may wanna check out the textile stores too while you’re there.

4. Online Shops — of course there are stores online that sell sewing supplies! Try iluvgailepaz and Fabrix Unlimited.

5. UPDATED MAY 13, 2016: ECO BABY CLOTH DIAPER SUPPLIES — Has the sewing supplies you need for your DIY Cloth diaper project. They have snaps, materials for soakers and boosters, as well as other sewing needs. Join their FB group here.

So there you have it. I am sure there are other places that you can check out, and I promise to update this post as I discover more stores. Indulge that DIY Crafty Mama In you and tell us about it. If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy 

Leaving you with this DIY Video on Cloth Diaper DIY Sewing


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