For cloth diapering moms and soon-to-be moms who are looking for Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers, i thought of posting a list of Local WAHMS that make hybrid fitted diapers in the Philippines.
Again, like my post about FB and Online Cloth Diaper Sellers in Manila Part 1 and Part2, I seek your help in completing the list. Ill be coming up with at least two posts on this (click here for the part 2 of this post), and if your favorite WAHM has not been included, I will greatly appreciate you letting me know by leaving a comment below or dropping me a line or two on my facebook page. Special thanks to fellow CDing mommy Cathy Ramirez Pe for allowing me to post a photo of her adorable baby wearing a hello kitty HF 🙂
So here is Part 1 of Local WAHMS that make hybrid fitted diapers in the Philippines:
1. Lily and Luna – “Handmade with love Hybrid Fitted Diapers,” Lily and Luna is a top of mind WAHM when it comes to Hybrid Fitted Diapers. Ask any long-timer in forums and the brand will surely come up. The mommy behind Lily and Luna also makes Hybrid Cloth Diapers, Drool Pads, Mama Pads, Bandanna Bibs, Mama Pads, Set/Ternos and more. Find her FB Page here.

2. Myook Butts – The Local WAHM Behind Myook Butts, handcrafts HFs, and other products like Tula Accessories, Drool Pads, and more. “HFs, fitteds, and more! All handcrafted with love ♥” Find her FB Page here. If you are interested to know more about Myook Butts diapers, and the WAHM behind it, Mommy Jaclyn, Read our WAHM of the Week feature on her here.

Related Posts:
- Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
- Where to Buy Cloth Diapers in Manila
- FB and Online Sellers of Cloth Diapers in the Philippines — Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
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3. Bum Heroes – Here is their own description in their FB Page “Bum Heroes is Baby Chic’s own line of handmade hybrid fitted cloth diapers. Here’s where we can chat about Bum Heroes, have occasional flash stockings, get custom slots, and see previews of fabrics and next stockings. And also the occasional surprise and giveaway.” Go to their FB Page here.

4. Butt Talks – WAHM Joanne Robles Luistro makes wonderful HFs: Knits, cotton woven, Japanese Woven, Character Prints and More. She also makes coordinated Dresses/Sandos. Her own Site Description: “Makes hybrid fitted diapers, fitted diapers, reversible pinafore dresses, hair accessories like headbands and hair clips, mamapads, pantyliners and so much more! All of these are handmade with ♥ ♥ ♥” Find her FB shop here. If you wish to read more on Butt Talks, see some performance reviews, as well as get to know the WAHM behind it, read our past feature on Mommy Josanne here.

5. Poopee Trap – The WAHM Behind Poopee Trap describes her business as: “Different kinds of handmade cloth diapers, created with love by a Filipino mom.” She makes Hybrid fitted cloth diapers, mamapads, and more. Check out her FB Page here.

Will be posting another batch of WAHMS within the week mommies. Hope I was able to help you find the best and nicest hybrid fitted diapers for your little ones.
You may wanna check out this cute baby in an HF: