If you are wondering what you can do with that extra gelatin mix in your pantry then this post is for you.
I have compiled a list of Filipino Gelatin-based recipes that are easy to make and more importantly, easy on the budget.
You can also put these in cups and sell if you want to. These are also a great option for an affordable party dessert.
Cheap and easy Filipino gelatin desserts:
- Buko Pandan — this may actually be not too cheap as you would have to buy buco, pandan, and some kaong or nata but this is definitely more affordable than most pastries and even ice cream for dessert. It is also healthier provided you do not add in too much condensed milk. Here is an easy recipe to follow.
- Coffee jelly — i have tried and tried making this and after three tries i finally got it right. It is not so expensive to make especially if you do not add too much cream or condensed milk. Here is a past post where I included an easy to follow coffee jelly recipe.
(Post Continued Below)
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- Choco jelly — i tried this out of curiosity when i have already mastered the art of making coffee jelly. My kids especially shobe loves asking for coffee jelly and i can’t give her since coffee is too strong so I substituted coffee with cocoa (i just use Goya, but Delfi is so much better, if you have Nestle or Swiss Miss i am sure the dark versions will be super great!), and then Milo and then replace condensed milk and cream with fresh cow’s milk. I have discovered now that I can substitute chocolate with strawberry, mango, or whatever flavor my children will fancy using either kool aid or tang.
- Crema de fruta — my mom used to make this and it is fun actually. May be the most expensive dessert in this list because you have to buy sponge cake or broas, and then fruit cocktail, gelatin etc but it can be the most filling of all. Here is a recipe that is almost identical as my mom’s.
- Black Gulaman — i dedicate this to kuya billy who absolutely loves Black Gulaman. There was a time he would request to have one available in the home all the time. It may be more of a beverage than a meryenda, but it is healthy and refreshing just the same. It os simple to make. Add two cups of brown sugar to 1.5 liters of water. Add more if you want it sweeter. Bring to a boil until the sugar fully dissolves. Let it cool. Meantime cut into squares the canned black gulaman or grass jelly. When the sugar water is cool enough put in some gelatin squares in a glass — a mason jar will be perfect! — and then pour in the cold sugar water and top with crushed ice.
So there you have it, hope I was able to give you ideas on what to do with that extra Mr. Gulaman that was left over during your holiday grocery stocks. As always, I promise to update this post once I am able to experiment on more Filipino gelatin recipes that are cheap and easy to make.
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Thanks and till next post!
A happy homemaker is a happy pinay mommy!
If you want to try another Filipino Gelatin recipe, I am sharing with you my Daddy’s favorite (I did not include it in the list because it is definitely not that easy and quick to make) gelatin-based recipe, the Cathedral Windows:
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