For moms who are new at cloth diapering, the term “presko time” may be quite confusing as one of the main objectives behind cloth diapering is to provide a “presko” or breathable alternative to Disposable Diapers.
But for cloth diapering veterans, “presko time” means letting your little one wear a cloth diaper that does not have PUL or TPU which is the component that makes cloth diapers water proof. TPU and PUL are usually used on covers, AIOs, and pockets.
So what are the options for Presko Time Breathable Cloth Diapers in the Philippines?
For moms with older infants and toddlers, presko time can even consist of just wearing underwear, Lampin or flats, lampin or flats plus underwear, stay dry insert or soaker plus underwear, or even just going plain commando, or butt naked.
So why have Presko Time? Well, to allow your baby’s skin to breathe. And while this is not a hard and fast rule of cloth diapering, further on into your cloth diapering career, you will see the need for it. How? When baby suddenly has rashes, ask any experienced cloth mama and she will tell you to go “presko time” several times a day, if not the whole day until the rash disappears, and just continue using your usual stay dry system at bedtime.
Another reason why veteran cloth mamas, or even your baby’s pediatrician will advise you to have “presko time” is when your baby just had a bout of UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. This is because one of the causes of UTI is wearing soaked or soiled diapers for a long period of time. This is also applicable to Disposable Diapers, hence the rule of thumb or SOP is to change diapers (regardless if it is disposable or cloth) every two to three hours except at bedtime, unless of course the diapers are fully soaked already or have been soiled before the two to three hour mark.
Types of presko time breathable cloth diapers:
- Flats or Lampin – Are very economical, easy to wash, and easy to dry. Can be used on its own, or with a cover, or even with underwear. (Here is my previous post on where to buy flat cloth diapers)
- Prefolds – Are super breathable diapers that have already been prefolded for easier use. Unlike Lampins though these usually come in three sizes. The middle part of the diaper also is thicker to absorb more pee. (Here is my previous post on where to buy Prefolds). Like the lampin, this can be used on its own or topped with an underwear for presko time.
- Fitteds – Fitted diapers are no frills, and by far the easiest type of presko time breathable cloth diaper to use. Could be made from hemp, bamboo velour, or any other breathable fabric. (Here is my previous post on where to buy fitted cloth diapers). If you want to use a fitted diaper overnight, you may use some woolies over it, for a presko time breathable cover.
- Hybrid Fitted – Hybrid Fitted cloth diapers are usually the most expensive type of cloth diapers since these are handmade, usually by Work-at-Home-Moms. These usually has soakers and boosters that could make it last overnight so that your little one can sleep in breathable softness. The soakers of course are stay-dry so you would not have to worry about that aspect. The combination of the soakers and the fabric type will depend on the preference of the WAHM or could be custom-made according to your preference. (Click here for my series on where to buy or order hybrid fitted cloth diapers)
- Wool Covers – Are definitely a great alternative to TPU and PUL covers because these are made of natural materials and can make your fitted cloth diapers last overnight. In the Philippines, these can be ordered or bought from The Baby Lamb Cloth Diapers – click here for my past feature on Baby Lamb and the WAHM behind it. You may also buy Grovia Lamb Woolies from The Eco Baby Boutique.
So there you have it, I hope I was able to help you choose the best Presko Time Cloth Diapers for your little one. If you have time I hope you can drop by my Facebook Page. Please hit the like button while you’re at it too!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on Fitted Cloth Diapers: