Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to Buy Christmas Design Cloth Diapers in the Philippines

Where to Buy Christmas Design Cloth Diapers in the Philippines. (Photo Credits)If you are looking for Christmas design cloth diapers this early then this post is for you.

In my quest to find Christmas diapers for my little one to wear I stumbled upon some online stores and WAHMs that offer Christmas cloth diapers.

Special thanks to fellow CDing mama, Mommy Monica B. for tagging me each time she sees a Christmas-themed diaper. (Lalong humahaba list of CDs to buy ko sis!)

So here is a list of some shops where you can buy Christmas design cloth diapers in the Philippines:

  1. The Chipper Online – if you are on the look-out for very affordable, pocket type Chrismas themed CDs then head on over at the Chipper Online’s FB Store. They have a lot of designs to choose from! Bonus points if you are from Baguio because they have a physical store there at Porta Vaga. Here is a link to their FB Shop.
  2. Bunch of Bliss – This Local WAHM Brand has opened pre-orders for Christmas themed custom made diapers. Head on over to her FB page here.

(Post Continued Below)


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  1. Earth Baby – Has a limited edition Hybrid Diaper Cover with Christmas Design. I Just love the star prints. Thank you again Mommy Monica for sending me a screenshot! Here is the link to their FB Page.
  2. Butt TalksMommy Josanne has also opened pre orders for Christmas themed Hybrid Fitted, Pocket HFs and the like. Join her FB Group here.
  3. Tahi Kho – This Local WAHM brand has also opened orders for Custom-Made Christmas Themed Diapers. Super nice prints! See it here.
  4. Jasmine Summer — This FB shop also offers Christmas Themed Pocket Cloth Diapers. Check out her FB Store here.
  5. UPDATED: Vezees Closet –Mommy Maricor of Vezees Closet has just uploaded about three Christmas Designs for their Alva 3.0 Cloth Diaper line and thier Babyland Diapers. Check out their FB Store here.
  6. UPDATED: The Baby LambMommy Clarissa has just opened Pre-orders for some HFs and included a Christmas Print Fabric that you can choose! Here is a link to her website.

So there you have it, I am sure there are other Online shops and WAHMs that will offer Christmas-themed Cloth Diapers. I promise to update this post once I learn about more suppliers and WAHMs selling such.

If you have the time, hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!


Leaving you with a video on Christmas Cloth Diapers:

Happypinaymommy.com’s Work-at-Home-Mom of the Week #5 Mommy Maricor Fernandez

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