Your cloth diaper journey starts to become a reality once you begin shopping for your baby’s cloth diapers.
But where do you buy cloth diapers here in Manila?
While it is cheapest via online, some moms are just not into buying online because of the following reasons:
- They do not know which shops are legitimate
- For those who do not have a credit card, they may not know that they can pay for their purchases through bank transfers, remittance services, etc
- They are too excited to get the CDs they could not wait for 2-3 days for their fluff mail 🙂
So, back to our original question, where can you buy cloth diapers in Manila?
Here are some of your options (i may have missed some, again i am not an expert at this and just a part-time cloth diapering mama)
1. Department Stores — There are available CDs in department stores, and primarily these are flats (gauze and bird eye), that are really useful for the newborn stage (and for pawis and burp too). They also have chino pinos here too. Now they carry pocket sized diapers but these are almost double the price of the china nappies that you can buy online. The brands that i saw are belle and coco, Curity etc. I tried buying Curity’s microfiber inserts, (around 170 pesos for three pieces), but they are so flimsy, and aren’t as thick as the MFs sold online. UPDATE: Enfant has diaper covers already but for a whopping 700++ each. It is soft, and very gentle to the touch and you may want to give it a try, nice pastel colors too.
2. Hypermart and Big Supermarkets — yes they carry some of the brands that are in the department stores too. I saw belle and coco at SM Hypermart. The inserts though cost around 170.00 fr two pieces — a microfiber at that so it is kinda expensive here really.
3. Malls — The Baby and Company stores sell what is available at the Department stores too. Baby shops usually sell flats.
Related Posts:
- FB and Online Cloth Diaper Sellers Part 1 , Part 2, and Part 3
- Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
- Where to buy Bum Genius diapers in the Philippines
- Cloth Diapering Advice from experienced pinay mommies
- Tips on Drying Diapers during the Habagat/Rainy Season
- Signs that you are a Cloth Diaper Addict
- My Cloth Diaper Washing Routine
- Washing Machines for Cloth Diapering Pinay Mamas
4. Bazaars — Mom Bazaars usually feature some CD Sellers, and if you are lucky there may even be US and Canadian brands peddled there.
5. Online — There are a number of websites that carry cloth diapers like the eco baby boutique, Next 9, and even Lazada. OLX also has a huge number of CD sellers. LAZADA, actually carries cloth diaper brands like Charlie Banana (plus lots of accessories, promise a lot of designs to choose from), LBB, Baby Leaf, Clubebe (the ones with cute tutus attached), Enfant Flats, Chino Pino and More. And if you are the type who wants to settle /pay everything upon delivery, then Lazada is your best bet. Check out their cloth diapers here.
6. Social Media — I know this is part of the ‘online’ group but i decided to separate it as there are sellers over at Facebook and Instagram. You just have to ensure that there is good feedback on that seller. I have written two post on FB and Online Cloth Diaper Sellers. Click here to read Part 1 and Part 2, plus Local WAHMs that make HF Diapers part 1 and part 2 as well.
7. B/S/T and coops – There are Facebook groups that have Buy, Sell and Trade threads that are meant for mothers who are destashing. If it is OK with you to use second hand or pre loved diapers — which is OK for those who want to decide which type of CDs to invest on, then this is the place to look for CDs. You can find some gold mine here if you are lucky, like US brands that are still in Very Good Used Condition. You may wanna check out though the seller’s feedback thread first so that you won’t get a CD heartbreak because again, not all online sellers are created equal.
8. Divisoria — I will update this entry once i find out the exact location in Divi but if i can remember right it is in the 11/88 Mall. The name of the outlet is Coolbi House which according to one mommy in my FB Group, is at the first floor. They also have an FB Page.
9. Saizen — Yes the Japanese shop that sells everything for 88-pesos. Some moms say the quality is kinda P88.00 level too, but i have yet to try, so il update this post once i get to try what is peddled there.
Of course you can buy online from stores abroad but be prepared to shoulder expensive shipping fees
I may have missed some places, if i did, please drop in a comment below, or in my FB Page.
Thank you mommies and happy CDing!
Here is a video on CDing you may wanna check out:
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