Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to buy Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers in the Philippines – Part 4

There are more and more mommies getting interested in making their own handmade cloth diapers, and some have embarked on putting up an online shop where they can sell their creations. At the same time I have also discovered more HF brands from the time that I wrote part three.

I have already written three entries on Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines, and we really need another post on this! So here’s part four of —

Where to buy Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers in the Philippines

1. All about Cloth by Zoey – We have earlier featured Mommy Mariz in our WAHM of the week series (read it here), and if you are interested in ordering any of her handmade HFs, and HF Pockets, then it is high time you check out her FB Online store. She also has Ready-to-Ship Nappies so check her page every so often. Also, she makes customized inserts and training pants. Here’s a link to her FB Store.

Where to buy Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers in the Philippines? Try the Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers of All About Cloth By Zoey. (Photo taken from Mommy Isabel's FB Page)
Where to buy Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers in the Philippines? Try the Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers of All About Cloth By Zoey. (Photo taken from Mommy Isabel’s FB Page)

2. Tiny Bum – Is another Local HF Brand that has earned good reviews. They also have PUL Pocket Diapers. Join their FB Group here.

Tiny Bum HF. (Photo taken from Tiny Bum's FB Page)
Tiny Bum HF. (Photo taken from Tiny Bum’s FB Page)

Post Continued Below:


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3. Eco Trendy Baby – Is another local HF Brand, and behind it is a Mother-Daughter team. In her page, Mommy Jean relayed that her mom is an experienced seamstress. They are offering Hybrid Fitted Diapers, and HF Pockets. Join the FB group here.

Pocket HF of Mommy Jean's Eco Trendy Baby.
Pocket HF of Mommy Jean’s Eco Trendy Baby. (Photo taken from Eco Trendy Baby’s FB Group Page)

4. Skippity Boo! – Makes One-size fits most Hybrid Fitted and Fitted Diapers in super, super nice prints! Check out their FB page here.

Skippity Boo! Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers. (Photo taken from the FB Page of Skippity Boo!)
Skippity Boo! Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers. (Photo taken from the FB Page of Skippity Boo!)

5. Li’l Koala Bear – Makes handmade cloth diapersone handmade fluff at a time,” as described in their FB page. Apart from coming up with HFs with creative designs and nice prints, Li’l Koala Bear also offers matching baby essentials such as SSC Accessories and Bibdanas. Here is a link to their FB Page.

buy hybrid fitted cloth diapers in the Philippines. (Photo taaken from the FB Page of Lil Koala Bear)
Buy hybrid fitted cloth diapers in the Philippines. (Photo taken from the FB Page of Lil Koala Bear)

So there you have it, I am pretty sure I will soon be coming up with another installment in this series. Please let me know if I missed out your favorite HF WAHM by dropping by my Facebook Page. Please hit the like button while you’re at it too!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!

Leaving you with this video on Hybrid Fitted Diapers:


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