It is a new year, and for some it is a time to test new revenue streams and business endeavors.
Moms like us are no exception when it comes to these things, as whether you stay at home, work from home, or work out of the home full time, you always have this nagging thought of how to increase your income, or what side business you can take.
Anyway, I recently came up with a series of posts on food items that you can sell to earn an extra income. Here now are some business ideas that you may want to try out —
Business Ideas for Moms in the Philippines
- Sell Goodies, Preserved Food, and Sweets – Food business remains to be a great enterprise especially if you are really good at cooking, baking, or preparing goodies. Here is a link to my recent series of posts on this.
- Online Selling – Online selling has taken a whole new level with Facebook, Drop Shipping, and Couriers going to your own home to pick-up the goods that you will be shipping. You no longer need to get out of your home to sell unless you sell stuff you make from scratch or you want to have stocks on-hand. You can sell your own family’s pre-loved stuff – from clothes, to housewares, to books, and even appliances to as many platforms as you wish such as OLX, FB Page, FB Groups, and even Instagram. Sell it by lot to make your offer even more attractive. You can also look for a supplier, and do drop-shipping. You can sell cloth diapers, baby carriers, baby stuff, direct from divisoria items, craft materials, fabrics, and even ukay-ukay! Here is a list of courier services that you can choose from. You can also become a WAHM and craft away, have a talent in knitting or crocheting? Sell etsy-style knitted products! Got an eye for hair accessories? Make and Sell! There are infinite possibilities actually.
(Post Continued Below)
You May Also Want to Read:
- Preserved Food Products for Business in the Philippines
- No Bake Filipino Sweets that you can sell
- Puto Recipes that you can sell
- Seven Filipino Ulam Recipes under P100.00
- No bake Chocolate-Based Goodies for Business
- Legitimate websites that give online job opportunities to Filipino Moms
- Steamed Filipino Desserts that you can Sell
3. Load Business – The load retailer business has reached new heights with even more products to sell. From cellphone load to mobile internet load, to prepaid cable TV credits, and now even over the air remittances, you will surely get busy as you embark in this endeavor. Widen your clientele by asking for your husband’s help too — he can get clients for you from his workplace! Here is a link on how to become a load retailer.
4. Direct Selling/Be a Reseller — this may be the oldest type of side business for stay at home moms but it wouldn’t stay this long if it aint paying! Choose from the many items you can resell — from the usual Avon, Tupperware, Triumph, Amway, Herbalife, Boardwalk, Natasha, and the like to social enterprises like Human heart Nature, Mother Nurture and more. Check out this website for the list of Direct Selling Companies in the Philippines and their respective contact information.
5. Daily Packed Ulam Supplier – Think Sexy Chef but more mainstream, and more affordable. Well if you can do diet/organic based recipes and can find a steady clientele, well and good, but if you are targeting a more regular client base like your husband’s officemates or the employees in an office building near you or perhaps, if you are living in a compound or apartment complex then your neighbors, then basic packed food will do. You can text them the ulam offerings the night before so you can deliver it to them on a set time – or you can make it even easier for them to order by posting it on your FB or creating an FB Page altogether! Your recipes need not be complicated. In fact you can just make a big batch of what your family will be eating plus two more choices! And the best part here is you get to eat for free as well.
So there you have it. Hope you got some business ideas that can create a new revenue source for your family. Let me know about your experience or if you have any other business idea by leaving a comment below or via FB. Please drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.
Thank you so much!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy.
Leaving you with this inspiring video on simple (and humble) FIlipino business ideas: