My seven recipes under P100.00 blog entry last year has consistently been one of the most read entries in my blog.
This is the reason why I am coming up with a 2016 edition, to help my fellow budget-conscious Pinay Mommies stretch the food budget that they have without sacrificing the family’s health and nutrition. The recipes are good for up to four people.
So here are —
Eight Filipino Recipes Under 100 Pesos 2016 Edition
- Tortang Giniling with Potatoes – This is your usual Tortang Giniling on Steroids. Saute ¼ Kilograms of ground pork, add in cubed potatoes (about two medium sized), season to taste and add a bit of water to soften the potatoes. Once the potatoes are cooked, take it off the heat, and set aside. In a mixing bowl beat 3-4 eggs, add a bit of salt, and then add in the ground pork and potato mixture. You can now fry this in one big torta, and serve with a side of ketchup.
- Arroz Caldo – Porridge is one dish that can get stretched, and is super budget friendly. All you need is rice (some prefer the malagkit version), cut up chicken, spring onions and kasubha. You can further enrich it by adding boiled eggs! Here is a good recipe to follow.
(Post Continued Below)
You may also want to read:
- One Month P100.00 Weekly Filipino Budget Meal Plan Challenge
- Filipino Budget Ulam Ideas below 100 Pesos 2017 Edition
- Seven Recipes under P100.00 – 2015 Edition
- Ulam Baon Ideas for Kids Part 1
- Lunch Baon Ideas for Kids Part 2
- Seven ways to save on grocery shopping
- Filipino Lumpia Recipes under P100.00
- Ways to save on your Electric Bills
- Filipino Dessert Recipes under P100.00
- Happy Breakfasts that will cheer up your mornings
- Fried Rice Recipes under P100.00
- 10 Quick Meal Recipes
- Filipino Veggie Dishes under P100.00
- Meatless Meals for the family
- Filipino Soup recipes for breastfeeding mommies
- Past Weekly Meal Plans
3. Ginataang SItaw at Kalabasa – Is yummy, easy to prepare and very nutritious! Squash is one of the cheapest vegetables thereis and add in some string beans and coconut milk then it is a super ulam that will call for more rice! If you have left over pork or fish, you can re-fry it to top the ginataang sitaw at Kalabasa. Here is a good recipe you can use.
4. Misua Patola – Is another fairly easy to cook ulam using affordable ingredients. All you will need is about 200 grams of ground pork, misua, and then patola then everything is fair game. Check out this recipe.
5. Escabecheng Tilapia – Filling and easy to make. In fact if you have a left over fried fish dish, you can easily make this recipe. Tilapia is a great option to lower the expense for this dish. Here is a good recipe to follow.
6. Ampalaya with Egg – My ex-officemate loves this for breakfast, for me though, it is a great ulam because apart from its cheap, it is very easy to make. Just saute some ampalaya, season to taste and add in beaten eggs!
7. Tortang Talong – Another super cheap ulam recipe that is almost as good as meat. Talong is nutritious too so when you add in eggs, and a bit of ground pork (it actually is better even without the meat), then you have a happy ulam dish that is cheap and cheerful! Take a look at this recipe.
8. Gising-Gising – This is basically baguio beans or sigarilyas in gata, and with your choice of sahog which could either be small shrimps or minced or ground pork. This iis very satisfying and could even be a great way for kids to like veggies. Check out this recipe.
So there you have it, I will be researching for more nutritious and affordable recipes for our families, and will come up with more posts like these. Hope you can check out our under P100.00 Series. Meantime, if you wish to scour great dessert recipes, you may want to check out Good Housekeeping’s Dessert Cook Book featuring Brownie Recipes — buy it here
Please drop by my facebook page for feedbacks, comments or recipe suggestions
Looking forward to hearing from you. A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video of Chef Boy Logro cooking one of my favorite recipes: