So as I mentioned in my previous post on Where to Buy Hybrid Fitted Diapers Part Four, I will definitely need to come up with a Part five of this series.
So for those of you moms out there wanting to try more locally made Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diaper sewn with love by creative pinay mommies, this post is for you. So here is part five of –
Where to buy Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines:
- The Baby Lamb – The Baby Lamb Cloth Diapers was the first local diaper shop that offered Lamb Woolies, handmade by Mommy Clarissa. The woolies offer a super breathable or presko cover over Hybrid Fitted or even Fitted Diapers. Now the Baby Lamb has a line of super nice hybrid fitted diapers, birthstat HFs, newborn nappies, and now their newest product: the Cotton Contour Prefold which is just perfect for Presko Time! If you want to know more about Baby Lamb Cloth Diapers, and the WAHM Behind it, plus some reviews of their loyal clients, read our past WAHM Feature on Mommy Clarissa here. Here meanwhile is the link to their FB Page.

- Tahi Kho – Tahi Kho cloth diapers are fun, comfy and creatively and lovingly designed! Apart from hybrid fitted diapers, Mommy Jay Anne also has other products like soft toys, travel neck pillows, and the Bapron or Bib and Apron. If you want to know more about Tahi Kho Cloth Diapers, the WAHM behind it, plus some reviews of their loyal clients, read our past feature on Mommy Jayanne here. Here meanwhile is the link to their FB Page.

Post Continued Below:
Related Posts:
- Local WAHMs that make Hybrid Fitted Diapers in the Philippines Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
- FB and Online Cloth Diaper Sellers Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
- Where to Buy Cloth Diapers in Manila
- Where to buy BumGenius Diapers in the Philippines
- Signs That you are a Cloth Diaper Addict
- Cloth Diapering Tips from Experienced Pinay Mommies
- How to Disinfect your Washing Machine
- Best Washing Machines for Cloth Diapering
- Where to buy Fabric for your DIY Cloth Diaper Project
- Where to buy Sewing Machines
- Jeca’s Cradle – Makes Hybrid Fitted Diapers that are adorable and fluffy. Join Mommy Catherine’s FB Group here for stocking updates and Pre-orders.They have a lot of nice and fun kiddies fabric designs for you to choose from.

- Rump-a-Roo – Makes super adorable hybrid fitted cloth diapers, in dainty prints for your little princesses, and happy and cute prints for your little boy! Mommy Carl also makes super irresistible Ternos of shirts and hybrid fitted diapers. Check out their FB Page here.

- Snug, “The Perfect Fit” – Are handmade cloth diapers lovingly sewn by Mommy Joyce. Apart from the usual Hybrid Fitted Cloth Diapers, Snug also has Pocket HF Diapers, Reversible Pinafore Dresses, Tula Accessories, Back Towels, Bandana Bibs, Cloth Wipes, Nursing Covers and More. Check out their FB Shop here.

So there you have it, I am pretty sure I will soon be coming up with another installment for this series as more and more talented pinay mommies are wanting to showcase their creativity. Please let me know if I missed out your favorite HF WAHM by dropping by my Facebook Page. Please hit the like button while you’re at it too!
A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy!
Leaving you with this video on Hybrid Fitted Diapers: