Happy Pinay Mommy

Where to order Bento Party Meals in the Philippines

order bento party meals in the philippines
Order bento party meals in the Philippines for your children’s parties, and even your office blow-outs. It is fun and easy. (Photo Credits)

If you are wondering where you can order bento party meals for your child’s school birthday party or any event then this post is for you. I have earlier written about shops where you can buy accessories for your DIY Bento meals (You may read it here), but for those who may not have the time, then ordering or requesting for bento catering services is equally fine and less stressful.

I have collated a list of bento party meal suppliers in the Philippines that can cater to your children’s party needs and other events. This is of course a great party idea for those who want to try a more unique handa for their child’s school party or any kiddie party for that matter.

What is great about serving bento boxes is that apart from you being able to choose healthier food options for your guests, bento party sets can conform to your party’s theme.

Before I get too excited, here is a list of —

Shops where you can order Bento party meals in the Philippines:

1. Bento Mommas PH — This group of ladies have inspired so many moms to get into the hobby of bento making. Gladly they accept bento box orders for parties and events. Here is a link to their FB Page.

2. Bento Baby PH – Is not just an online shop selling bento accessories. It also accepts orders for bento meal catering services. Here is a link to their facebook page.

(Post Continued Below)


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3. Eats Happy – Super Nice Bento Meals are being offered by this Online Catering Services for Bento Meals. Check out their FB Page here.

4. Nanay’s Lunches With Love – Lots of cute and healthy stuff in a bento box. Check out her FB Page here.

So, there you have it. I am sure there are other online catering services where you can order bento party meals in the Philippines. I promise to update this post as soon as i get to discover more.  Hope you could drop by my Facebook page and hit the like button, so you can receive regular updates from Happypinaymommy.com direct on your newsfeed.

Thank you so much!

A Happy Homemaker is a Happy Pinay Mommy.

Leaving you with this video on Bento Making 101:


Where to Buy Bento Tools and Accessories in the Philippines

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